British Education

The British education system devises creative and well-prepared individuals. Our children will grasp their education and knowledge from first-hand experience, not just text books.

The British school system is divided into five parts: early years, primary education, secondary education, sixth form and higher education. At RBS we offer education for children ages 3.5 to 18. We believe the British curriculum creates open-minded, creative and thoughtful individuals. Students at the RBS receive a rounded, results-focused education delivered in English.


British Education System – Age Groups

Ages 3 – 5 | Foundation Stage | Foundation 1 &2Fun and Aspiration Learning

Young pupils learn through exploration. Utilizing their age group behavioral activities; everything they do (Playing, singing, painting…etc.) are done in English and it is designed to help them understand their environment. This stage is essential and ensures children develop socially, mentally and physically.

Ages 5 – 7 | Key Stage 1 | Years 1 and 2Exploration & Evaluation Approach

Structured approach to help children starting to learn how to read, write and count in English.

Ages 7 – 11 | Key Stage 2 | School years 3 – 6Communication and Articulate

Encouraging pupils to learn about their interests while enhancing their numeracy and literacy skills. We teach children how to apply these basic skills to other subject areas – such as Science, Art and History.

Ages 11 – 16 | Key Stage 3 & 4 | School years 7 – 11Interrogate and debate

Pupils learn how to investigate, test and think about things coherently. Learning is more focused on formal “subject based” learning. At this stage they develop a deeper knowledge across the arts, humanities, languages and sciences.

Ages 16 – 18 | Key Stage 5 | Sixth Form - School years 12 and 13Think and act [Choices & Ambitious]

Pupils make choices and work hard during these years that prepare them for university and then the start of their careers. Once pupils have finished their IGCSEs they choose three or four [A] Level exams – which are accepted by universities around the world.

Why Study Here?

RBS is following the National Curriculum of England, which is one of most coveted and accepted school curricula worldwide. This curriculum is supported by a strong research-driven syllabus in all major subjects, and gives our pupils the ability to acquire a resilient educational foundation as well as the opportunity to pursue a higher education and career of their choice.