Welcome Messages

Welcome to Regent British School’s, we hope you find all of the information you are looking for, and that the website will give you an insight into the life at our wonderful school.
RBS is a place of discovery, our aim is for all children to develop their talents, reach their potential and to be happy during their time with us. We are looking to our school’s establishment as a contribution to the entire society, by providing younger generations with the latest and most considerate education systems, to peruse their aspirations and eventually be productive individuals in their respective communities.
Our curriculum is providing a broad range of experiences and opportunities. Children learn through themed topics to apply their literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, in addition to our after school activities providing a vast range of physical and creative experiences.
We are committed to the future, this is our main motto, we believe that our future is in the hands of our children in which RBS dedicated its efforts, facilities and experience to build it.
Our aim is to recognise each child’s individual talents, we want pupils at RBS to have memorable life-long learning experiences. We believe our school is very special, we have a learning environment to be proud of, amazing teachers and support staff, and as a result, pupils shall be engaged, enthusiastic and proud of their school.
Again, welcome to our school and looking forward to see you in our premises.

RBS Management Team

I feel truly privileged to lead Regent British School in New El Mansoura; the first British school in the area. This is such a wonderful opportunity to ensure that your child receives the best possible education in their formative years.

Firstly, and in my opinion most importantly, we will always try to ensure that your child is happy. I fully understand that children’s happiness, safety and wellbeing must always be the priority. At Regent British School the children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they develop skills for lifelong learning.  Achievement and a ‘can do’ attitude are at the heart of our philosophy; we encourage children to always do their best and be the best version of themselves. We support creativity, independent thinking and learning,

We believe that all of our children at Regent British School will fulfil their academic potential and become successful lifelong learners. In addition, we endeavour that our children will possess high levels of both social and emotional intelligence so that they are well placed to succeed and thrive in an international world; becoming active and successful leaders of the future.

We teach a robust and creative academic curriculum, based on the best elements of the British National Curriculum, with relevant and cultural adaptations. We teach the core curriculum elements of numeracy, literacy, science, humanities and the arts, using English as the language of instruction. All of our teachers track, monitor and continually assess each individual pupil on their journey through school. We take great pride in getting to know each and every one of our children, in order that we can help guide them through their early and primary school years.

I am looking forward to Regent British School opening and I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation at watching your child learn and grow. I am confident that, by parents, staff and children working together in partnership, the future holds nothing but the very best for each child.

Claire RowlandPrincipal of Regent British School